10 tips for winter grilling

If you love grilling, you’ll do it in any weather, year-round. If you’re heading outside during winter month, here are some cold-weather tips from some of our experts.

More Fuel in the Winter
Any grill you use, whether it’s gas or charcoal, will have to work harder to maintain the heat level.  Double check that you have a spare tank of propane as well.

Check Your Parts
Before using a gas grill in the winter check the hoses for any cracks.

Keep Away from Wind
Try to put your grill in an area that is screened from the wind as much as possible. Wind is your biggest enemy.

Plan Ahead
Have absolutely everything you need from brushes, sauces and trays ready well in advance. You do NOT want to be searching for anything in the cold.

Make It Simple
Use recipes that call for just a single flip. Standing out in the cold is no fun.

Take More Time
Food takes longer to cook in the winter and grills can take longer to warm up. Give yourself extra time for dinner.

Light It Up
It gets dark a lot earlier in the winter. Invest in a grill light, outdoor patio lantern or other light source.

Keep the Lid Closed
You’ll cut down on heat loss that happens when it’s cold.

Clean Up Fast
Frozen fat is much harder to clean off your grill. You can keep a bowl of warm cloths just inside the house for easy clean up.

Winter Clothing:  Be careful of anything dangling like scarves and hoodie strings that could catch on fire. Gloves are always better than mittens for tong handling.